Me In Paradise


With a Physical Education Degree from UCF and an NASM Certification in personal training, I have a passionate perspective on instructing people within the physical realm of life, especially within the context of paradise! 

Growing up with my family in Europe and then out West in California and Arizona, I developed a passion for the great outdoors while rock-climbing, backpacking, hiking, and skiing.  I also came from a very adventurously active family who played a profound role in guiding and encouraging me throughout the many sports I competed in, some of which involved gymnastics, basketball, volleyball, diving, swimming, and track.  Eventually, I ended up marrying a rad dude from Florida and moved to Orlando where I finished my Physical Education Degree at UCF and became a P.E teacher at Oviedo High School. As our chapter came to an end in Orlando, we moved to my husband’s hometown of Venice where I personal trained and taught group exercise classes at the YMCA up until we started having kids.  So since I’ve moved to the land of paradise, I’ve discovered and excelled in women’s beach volleyball, sprint triathlons, surfing, and the rad adventure of being a mom to my three amazing kiddos and wife to my husband who has perpetually encouraged and pragmatically brainstormed my continual passions in life!

My current passion is to guide and teach others, the way I was guided by my own family and friends, to live life more fully alive through fitness and surfing within the community here in paradise!  This kind of togetherness has fueled my passion to continue to not only help others within the FitSurf context but within the bigger picture of fitness within the soul!

“Give someone a wave of life, feed their soul one time. Teach someone to ride the waves of life, feed their soul a lifetime.”